Monday, June 24, 2013

My Agatha Christie moment

I had another Agatha Christie moment, a mysterious temporary disappearance.  The only differences being that my friends and family knew exactly where I was, and I don't expect anyone in the online community really noticed.

Anyway, I'm ba-aack!  I won't bore you about why I was away, suffice to say I'm ready to get blogging again.  In the time away I did manage to catch up on some reading, so I have plenty to write about.

I have made a few decisions though about what I want to do with this blog.

I'm not good at living to a schedule.  My mother loves a schedule, she finds it gives her a sense of order and control and she knows what's going to happen and when.  I feel totally the opposite.  Knowing that there's something I have to do on certain days makes me feel like I have no control, that my strings are being pulled for me.  So, I am dropping the schedule of posting certain things on certain days.  I might still put out a 'First Paragraph's' now and then when I find a great one, but it won't be a regular thing.  The only meme I plan to keep up is the Top Ten Tuesday, as it's fun, and I know what's coming up, so I can write them ahead of time when I feel up to it.

The other decision was around ARC's.  Advanced Reader/Review Copy, books sent to types like me who will review it and post about it ahead of the publication date.  Getting the word out there I guess.  I was given an ARC a little while ago.  But I found I don't like the pressure of having to read a book I'm not necessarily in the mood for, so I can review it and get more ARC's.  So other than reading my current ARC next week while camping in Weymouth, I will not be accepting or requesting ARC's in future.  My day job gives me a fair amount of pressure and I want to be reading for pleasure, not obligation, and sharing on here my thoughts on the books I love, or hate.

So, look out for my upcoming posts... including a review of The Woman Who Died A Lot by Jasper Fforde, and a collaborative effort with Mrs F from Fennell Books.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah, great to see you back in the blogosphere. They joy of blogging is that you can do whatever you want, as it is yours to play with as you please :)
